We all are very well aware of fake items from China. They have ended up making a fakeduplicate of almost every electronic gadget,electrical appliances, fashion accessory and many other household commodities like CFL bulbs, torches, batteries, toys, and of course cellphones.
We recently updated you when a fake ipad for $93 surfaced 2 weeks back, but the guys in China now have gone a bit too far, they have now ended up running fake Apple stores. And they have done it all right, everything is immaculately copied from, floors to advertisement banners, employee uniforms to furniture, everything is a copy paste. Have a look at some amazing Apple stores around the world.
Check out the pictures of the rip off store below:
As per a recent update from Reuters, five of such fake apple stores are being ordered to shut down by the city officials. But surprisingly the bases of this shutdown is not that they are fake Apple stores or are under piracy or copyright scanner but that all these stores do not have an official permit.
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